Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Things I've Learned Over The Past Few Months

Things I've learned the hard way:
  1. If you are moving and want to donate your furniture, make the call for scheduling a pickup two months before moving day, so the pickup occurs just as you're ready to move. Places like the Salvation Army are booked a month out with pickups.
  2. Locking your bedroom door from the inside may have its advantages, but only if you make a habit of making sure that when you close the door from the outside, the doorknob button isn't pushed in, or you'll be locked out of your own bedroom.

Things I've learned the easy way, mainly by being open-minded:
  1. Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, as described by a friend, sounds like a sci-fi retelling of the founding of America, with its controversies between libertarianism and authoritarianism.
  2. Both Dominican nuns and former models share my interest in permaculture.

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